About us

Interview with Vitalii Beliayev CEO of Special Technologies
Special Technologies was established in 2002 on the basis of the Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with several defence enterprises.
The company faced a challenge: to help promotion of innovative developments by Russian scientists.
It turned out to be quite difficult to fulfil the task. We had to do everything by ourselves, step by step increasing production capacity.
Isollat liquid ceramic insulation coating became the first product of Special Technologies. We received a patent for this invention in 2003 (Russian patent No. 2251563). Totally by now we have 8 patents relating to different Isollat materials.
Later we developed a technology of application of diamond-like DLC coatings - amorphous carbon coating 1-1.5 micron thick, combining diamond hardness and graphite smoothness. Using DLC coating makes it possible to significantly increase the service life (5-20 times) of tools and equipment in contact with viscous metals: aluminum, copper, nickel, titanium and magnesium alloys, fiberglass.
Invention of Isollat coating originated from technologies created in the 70s for the Soviet submarine fleet. In Russia own developments were "forgotten" for a few decades, so that, in fact, we had to start "from scratch". Combination of the Soviet experiences, a number of experiments and trials lead to creation of a new material that by its characteristics significantly exceeded the previous samples. Indeed, Isollat coating has low thermal conductivity, is able to dissipate up to 90% of incident infrared rays. Using special fillers allows the coating providing high-temperature insulation up to 500°C, fire resistance, cold resistance, earthquake resistance, corrosion protection. The properties of Isollat coating significantly exceed foreign analogues and Russian forgery, which appeared later.
Isollat coating came into market just in time. Over the years, when traditional insulation was used everywhere, - the products produced by extremely clumsy Soviet construction industry, many consumers have accumulated a large number of complaints about the varieties of mineral wool, glass and slag wool. Not surprisingly, the new material quickly found its customers, and is now widely used in various fields: energy, industry, construction, housing and utilities, oil and gas sphere. Over the past few years the number of material types produced has significantly increased, their characteristics and properties have improved. New composite coatings are also being developed.
It is important for us to keep in touch with our customers, to respond promptly to their requests. We are open for cooperation, ready to evolve and develop together.