Modern fire protection of steel structures "Isollat-05" meets the requirements of mandatory certification

Fire protection coating for steel structures " Isollat-05" successfully passed the test for compliance with the requirements of the state mandatory certification of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On requirements for fire retardants and fire-extinguishing systems" (TR EAEU 043/2017)
This technical regulation is developed in accordance with the requirements of "GOST R 53295-2009" for application and use in the territories of Russia, the CIS countries and abroad, establishing requirements for labeling of these materials to ensure their free movement in the territories of states. The Regulation was developed to protect human life and health, property and the environment from fires, as well as to prevent actions misleading consumers. The technical regulations apply to fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment designed to prevent, reduce the risk of fire, limit the development of fire and the spread of its hazards, to suppress fire, rescue people, protect human life and health, property and the environment from fire, as well as to reduce the risk of harm and damage caused by fire.
As a result of certification tests, a protocol and certificate of compliance of " Isollat-05 " to the requirements of the new regulations, ensuring the fire resistance limit of the metal structure up to 120 minutes (R15-R120).
You can read the separation documentation at the following link: